TPR/TPE and other injection molding products easy to appear bubble reasons and solutions
TPR/TPE and other injection molding products surface and internal appearance of many different chi village and shape bubbles, what is the cause? How do we solve it?
(1)The glue is wrapped in air
The pressure is too small or time is too short, the air in the process of injection molding is not fully discharged, resulting in product bubbles. TPR/TPE and other injection molding products easy to bubble solution: if the glue is wrapped into the air, then the appropriate increase in back pressure, injection pressure, pressure retention, pressure retention time.
(2)The glue contains water
TPR/TPE injection molding products easy to appear bubble solution: appropriate adjustment of product formula, add stabilizer; Dry the material thoroughly to remove low molecular matter
(3)The mould design is unreasonable
If the sprue position is not correct or the sprue section is too small, the main channel and the diversion channel are long and narrow, etc., it may cause bubbles to produce TPR/TPE and other injection molding products.
(4)Process conditions
Molding temperature is too high; Molding cycle too long TPR/TPE and other injection molding products easy to appear bubble solution: appropriate to reduce the molding temperature; Shorten molding cycle